Reporting Issues - Kesgrave Community Website

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Reporting Issues

Report any animal to us which you suspect is suffering from cruelty or neglect, or an animal which is sick, injured or trapped and it is not safe or suitable for a member of the public to assist.
In summer we get many calls and questions from members of the public with bees in their houses, outbuildings and gardens but our volunteer members are only able to help in cases of swarms of honey bees. To find a local swarm collector click here.
Guidance on dog fouling, lost and stray dogs, dogs on beaches etc and reporting.
Animal Warden Services looks after the collection of stray and lost dogs on behalf of East Suffolk Council. Advice on reporting a stray dog or viewing stray dogs that have been collected can be found by clicking this info card.
Have you lost a cat? Or found a cat and you’re unsure what to do next? Read there guides on stray, feral, lost and found cats.
Emergency Services
Advice on when to dial 999/112 - Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.
Advice on what to do if there's a fire in your home inc dialling 999/112.
Services the NHS provides if you need urgent or emergency medical help - 999/112, 111, when to go to A&E, finding urgent and emergency care services etc.
Services and Infrastructure
You can report damaged or defective fire hydrants to Suffolk County Council quickly and easily online.
Report a faulty or obscured street light quickly and easily online, what we need know about the fault and when the repair will be completed by Suffolk Highways.
How to report flooding on a road, pavement or property. Who to contact about a blocked drain or flooding on the A11, A12 and A14 roads in Suffolk.
To help us to respond to incidents of flytipping promptly and effectively, please do not hesitate to report an incident to us. If you actually see someone fly-tipping, or have information that might enable us to investigate an incident of fly-tipping, please let us know as soon as possible.
Who to call and what to do if you smell gas.
Suffolk County Council work with freight and haulage companies to ensure that lorries use the most suitable roads and behave responsibly when delivering goods in Suffolk. However, problems do sometimes occur, such as: overnight parking in residential areas, littering, hauliers repeatedly driving on unsuitable roads. If you encounter any problems like these please report them to us.

Bins are emptied byEast Suffolk District Council on a regular schedule. If anyone notices a bin hasn’t been emptied recently, notify the Town Council who will pass the message on, or action if necessary.
Click here to report a missed bin collection.
Information on what constitutes a nuisance and how to report it.
Details of how to report a power cut.
If you have any issues with the buses please contact the relevant bus company. Contact details here.
How to report a defect - blocked drain, highway structure, cycle lanes or tracks, drain-manhole cover, mud/debris on the road, grass cutting, lit sign or bollard, missing or damaged barriers or guardrails, missing or faded road markings, Obscured, missing or damaged sign, pothole, pavement defect, public right of way, traffic signal or pedestrian crossing, tree or hedge affecting the highway
If you are connected to the public sewer system, Anglian Water has taken ownership of any pipes that you share with your neighbours as well as any pipes that are outside your property boundary. However you are still responsible for those pipes within your property boundary that take waste water away from only your home. Any pipes that don't connect to Anglian Water's system also remain in private ownership.
How to order a new or replacement bin or what to do if it's been damaged or stolen.
Policing and Crime
Non-emergency contacts - 101, online, live chat.
Just choose the option you are after inc crime, sexual offences, road traffic incidents, domestic abuse, missing person, antoi social behaviour, fraud, bribery, corruption, lost or stolen vechicles, lost or found property, civil disputes, wildlife crime, rural crime, hate crime, untaxed vechicles etc
If you’ve witnessed or been the victim of crime please report it to us. Reports are dealt with by our control room in exactly the same way whether you report it online or by telephone.
Antisocial behaviour takes many forms, from aggressive, noisy or abusive behaviour to neighbourhood disturbances involving drugs or animals. If you’ve witnessed antisocial behaviour, please report it to us.
Your neighbourhood can be an area where you live, work, or visit often.
Find out who to contact if you have information about possible fraud, bribery or corruption, or if you think you have been the victim of a scam or fraud.
If you've lost or found firearms, drugs, high value items, laptops, cameras or mobile phones in a public place, we may be able to help. Alternatively, for items the police cannot deal with, try Kesgrave Town Council.
If your car has gone missing, follow the simple steps in this arcticle to track it down or, in the worst case, report it as stolen.
You do not have to wait 24 hours to report someone missing. It is not wasting police time to report someone missing. We are here to protect you and your loved ones.
Advice on reporting a collision or driving offence.
National Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting Centre
We’re an independent charity that gives you the power to speak up to stop crime, 100% anonymously.
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